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Folding Mobility Scooter for Half Term Days out!

It’s half term and the kids are out of school, their full of energy and chatter and the first question every morning is “What are we doing today?” As a Luggie owner, you appreciate just how transportable our folding mobility scooter is.

We all want to partake in some fun when we’re spending time with the kids. It’s great to have the freedom to visit local attractions or the confidence venture further and see some of Britain’s wonderful coastlines. So, to get around easily you need a folding mobility scooter that’s going to fit easily in the boot of a car.

If you’re going to be taking public transport, then you know the Luggie is portable and easy to fold lightweight mobility scooter. It’s literally up and down in 30 seconds!

Inspired to take your Folding Mobility scooter out?

We thought we’d collate some day trip ideas that are worth a visit over half term. Our list includes a link to the access guides so you can plan and won’t need to worry about access on the day.

London Based Trips

Tower of London click here to view the guide

Harry Potter Studios click here to view the guide

Natural History Museum click here to view guide

Northern Based Trips

Manchester Museum of Science and Industry click here to view the guide

Southport Pleasure Beach click here to view the guide

Chester Zoo click here to view the guide

Midlands Based Trips

Cadbury World click here to view guide

Birmingham National Sea Life Centre click here to view guide

Alton Tower click here to view guide


The Luggie range of Travel Mobility Scooters is perfect for days out! Compact lightweight mobility scooters with a unique foldable mechanism. The perfect choice for buses, coaches, trains or even the tube in London!

Contact Luggie for a Free Home demonstration or information on Folding Mobility Scooters